Loading spinner with animation
A while back I wrote how to create nice only CSS loading spinners. In this article we are making the spinners even nicer by adding a zoom-in and zoom-out animation to it.
The code
Check out the following fiddle which has all the JavaScript, HTML and CSS you need:
To add a spinner use the function addSpinner(el, static_pos). Pass the jQuery element el where the spinner should appear. You can set static_pos to true to add a static spinner element rather than an absolute positioned one.
To remove the spinner use the function removeSpinner(el, complete). This function will look for a spinner in the jQuery elment provided with el and will trigger the function complete if you have passed one.
The following demo adds a spinner when an AJAX request is made and removes it when the request is completed:
function loadAjax() { $.ajax({ url: 'https://reqres.in/api/?delay=2', beforeSend: function () { $('#ajax-button').attr('disabled', true); $('#ajax-container').html(''); addSpinner($('#ajax-container')); }, complete: function (response) { $('#ajax-button').attr('disabled', false); removeSpinner($('#ajax-container'), function () { $('#ajax-container').html('Content loaded.'); }); } }); }
<button id="ajax-button" onclick="loadAjax()">Send Request</button> <div id="ajax-container"></div>